Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ruston Way Musings

After reading one book and two articles that stated, unequivocally, that aerobic exercise was a primary (actually, only) factor in reducing the incidence or severity of senile dementia ("short-term memory loss" sounds so much less creepy), I decided I'd better get with the program. I started walking around my immediate neighborhood, then realized a five-minute drive would get me to the waterfront along Ruston Way.

I park my car at the northern-most end of the sidewalk along Ruston Way, only because it's the closest to my house and it seems quieter at that end. I notice after parking there a few days/weeks in a row that the same boat is anchored there, just offshore. It's not in a marina and looks deserted. What is it doing there? Are people living on board? If so, I never see them or even a curtain moving. When I was taking the picture, a woman getting out of her car asked if I was interested in buying the boat, then offered that if she ever buys a boat it will be a much nicer one! Ha! I liked that.

At the beginning of my walk, I see that a helpful someone has taped on a bollard distances to various points. Hmm, it's .73 miles miles to the Lobster Shop and although I usually walk just beyond there I'm sure it must be farther than that!

The next thing I encounter is one of the old foundations from a business that was located there in the past. When the City of Tacoma developed the linear park along Ruston Way, preserving and celebrating the past industrial uses was a key consideration. At low tide, I've seen people scramble around it and sunbathe on top (how do they get up there?). But I can't help thinking how cool that concrete hulk could be in a video--I'm sure it could serve some spooky purpose.

Next Post: more Ruston Way musings and pics

1 comment:

  1. Hey, good going! I'll be walking Ruston Way vicariously with you. Makes me think of many years ago, when Janet and I used to roller skate down there -- very poor sidewalks then (and very few), but it was fun.
