Thursday, September 24, 2009

More Ruston Way Musings

The next stretch on Ruston Way, heading south, is good for adding a little running to my walking. I run until I can feel my shins protesting, with my heart and lungs the second wave of the protest, then settle back into a brisk walk. I read somewhere that the combination of sprinting and walking is good--similar to fartlek--and I'm sticking to it!

Although the wide sidewalk runs next to Ruston Way (with a lawn buffer) for much of its length, it also swoops close to the water and piers and picnic tables from time to time. I like this particular little swoop, which brings me close to some dune grass that has been planted, giving the area more of a beach feel and less of a parking area feel, which it is. In the summer, I often see groups of twenty-somethings sitting in lawn chairs in the lot next to their hot-roddish cars (this is Tacoma, after all) laughing, horsing around, flirting--the usual young-people-in-summer activities.

This heather (or is it a heath? I can never keep them straight) amazes and amuses me. It reminds me more of a sea plant than a dirt plant, which, given, its location, is entirely appropriate. I would like some of these in my yard but since I've banished pink from my front garden where most of the sunshine falls, I guess that's a no.

The question of why someone would banish pink, a perfectly acceptable flower color, from her front garden will undoubtedly be answered in excruciating detail when and if the posts on my Gardening community appear.

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