Saturday, October 17, 2009

Communities: Belonging

So far in this blog I have talked about my geographic community. I started there for the simple reason that one day I was struck by how much I enjoyed living where I live. I wanted to share some of my sights and neighborhoods. Considering what pictures to include and framing the shots allowed me to see my surroundings in a way I usually do not. But there was another reason. I believe that people feel a belonging in certain geographic locations--places where they feel at home. Some are lucky enough to be born where they belong; others search for that place or, possibly, feel the dis-ease of being out of place. I'm interested in exploring those edges.

Recently I took a road trip across the southern part of British Columbia. It wasn't a new road to me but it had been many years since I had been that way. When I travel outside my usual haunts, I gaze at the passing scenery--the farms and small towns and large cities (although there were no large cities on this trip!)--and wonder what my life would be like if I lived in that place. Who would be my friends, how would I spend each day, would I like the weather, where would I work?  Some places feel like an instant fit. Others would need to prove themselves to me.

But even in the places where I feel like I could belong--where I might feel at home--I immediately realize that home involves so much more than place. I would be so far from my friends and family! The thing is, we make new friends (if we're lucky) but we cannot hurry the history that creates the fabric of old and dear friendships. Still, newness and adventure and curiosity exert a pull....another edge to explore.

Finally, because I'm thinking of friends, both new and old, and because I've just discovered the fun of creating a picture collage on Picasa, I'm compelled to include this collage of some of my friends, all of whom enrich my life immeasurably! (Disclaimer: Bonnie Raitt, Keb Mo, and Tom Robbins are not "friends" but neither are the pictures Photoshopped!)
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