Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Beginnings/New Journeys

I am shocked to see how long it has been since I last posted here! But I haven't been idle. In fact, much has changed in my life. Primarily and specifically, I have embarked on a committed, love relationship and am preparing to move out of my geographic community of the past four years to return to British Columbia where my new partner lives. Although this is a big change, BC was my home for twelve years in my younger adult days and I loved living there--so much so I thought I would never return to the US. But life intervened, as it has a way of doing, and I returned to the US many years ago.

Now as I prepare to return to Canada, I'm automatically signed up for the government paperwork dance, mostly because my original citizenship certificate is in a previous name. Mind you, this is not a hard task--just a hassle. However (and here I stop digressing), while looking for my certificate of citizenship, I serendipitously unearthed forgotten folders filled with newsletter articles and papers I had written on "community." It was like discovering the forerunner of this blog! I was pleased, amused, and bemused that ruminations on community have been filling my mind for decades. Pleased with my abiding passion for and interest in alternate ways of living; amused that somehow I had forgotten how many years my belief in a community approach to living has informed my decisions; and bemused that it has taken me so long to move forward with exploring ways to implement, once again, the ideals and philosophy of living in community.

OK, that's the long, slow curve to get to the point: I will soon be meeting with a group of women to discuss the feasibility of buying land together to live and/or work in community in some way. We will be looking at a specific piece of land in southern BC and have already started an email discussion of philosophies and issues around living in an intentional community/land trust. I plan, in subsequent blog posts, to document and examine the process and issues that arise as we embark on this new journey. (The picture is from the area we are exploring. Expect more pictures of beautiful southern BC in subsequent posts!)